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Thoughts & Inspiration
To the girls,
Good morning women of God,
Hey so I have been praying and thinking a lot of what it means to be a woman of God and especially for this trip. Of course I came to look up Proverbs 31, and what it describes to us. It starts in the first couple verses of the section(10-12) I tells of a noble character that is the value in us, and that is what we should strive for. Futher it tells what this noble character is, one who serves others without being asked to, she rises early(for me with coffee in hand…) and gets things ready for her family. Then she is also wise, this takes study, and I encourage you to walk along side me to “eat the scroll” and gain this wisdom that will surpass the ages. At the end on a practical maner it says in verse 30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised”. I challenge you women, to come and learn on this trip a little more of what it means to be a woman of God.
So with this conviction on my heart I am going to ask of you to take this not only to heart but also to a practical manner. Our identity will be in the Lord and fearing him, so we will give up our “charm and beauty”, for him. So no make up allowed. Also with the hair dryer and straitner sittuation I will bring one hair dryer for all of us, but do not expect to use it too often. Also please make sure that you guys follow the dress code and if you have a question please decide on the conservative side or give me a call. Our beauty is in the Lord, and on the mission field that is all we want the people to see.
Your sister in the Lord,