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   Hey everyone, currently I’m inthe middle of a ministry opportunity at my church to perform the skit “Everything” with the song Everything by Lifehouse. The skit is pretty well known within the Christian community, but if you haven’t seen it I really encourage you to watch it, and even if you have to watch it again (I attached the link below or you can look on youtube or godtube).
   The reason I put this in the prayer request category is because I was asked to direct and perform in it as the girl. This is a really intense skit as you’ll see, and blatantly hits on a lot of majors issues that teens face today such as lust, greed, drinking, eating disorders, cutting, and suicide. We’re performing it during a youth rally at my church for about 4-5 churches worth of youth groups on May 9th, and I realize the effect it has. 
   I just really would love for some prayer that God will put His hand on this skit and open the hearts of the teens and adults there to see it. I also would love for anyone to pray that God will bring who He wants to come so that they could see it, and that we as a group do well to perform it to His glory and that His message and love is displayed in our actions.

Thanks so much everyone, I’ll let you all know how it goes.

4 responses to “Prayer Request”

  1. I really love this skit. I saw it a couple of years ago at a retreat, and it really hit home with some things that I was dealing with in my life at that time. I’ll be praying for you!

  2. this is so cool that you are doing this!
    I just learned the “When God Ran” skit for my walk to Emmuas thing. I was the drunk girl in that.
    But I am defintly praying for you! :]

  3. That is so cool!I love that song and I love that skit. My brother-in-law is the youth pastor at this huge church called The Fathers House and they did this. It was real good! I’ll be praying for you!

  4. Thanks for the support and prayers guys, it’s really a big encouragement 🙂 Yeah it’s definately one of my favorite songs/skits too, it’s probably one of my faves thus far to perform too.