
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi I’m Katie Emery.
I guess i’ll begin by describing myself…         
I’m outgoing & loud,
but if i’m uncomfortable or angry i get very quiet.
I’m tall, Dark skin, Dark eyes, Dark hair.
& i’m 25% Chinese, thanks to my mommy.
My best friends name is Sally & i love her with my whole life. I’ll probably talk about her alot. My other best friend is Luke & we get along really well because we go to school in the hood & we both think we’re black. 
some things i love are painting, dancing, singing, napping, cuddling, shooting & jumping.
now for family, my mom’s name is Debi, my dad’s bill. i have a brother, Brian who’s 22, & sister who’s 20.  I’m the baby of the family. I love my family & we get along really well.
I also love Jesus & i want to do medical missions. 
the end.

10 responses to “Katie Emery”

  1. Hi Katie!
    Sounds like you are a fun person to be around! Where are you from? What grade in school are you?

  2. I laughed out loud at this. I can already tell me and you are going to get along. I like to think I have black blood sometimes and joke about it all the time with my dancing. I CANNOT wait to meet you!

  3. Woah! I’m 25% Japanese! haha yay for another Asian! 🙂 I’m not tall though.. sad day..

    My school is very hood-ish too. I also am heading in the medical direction, I start college in the fall with a biomedical science, possibly biomedical engineering major! And missions is something I wanna do regardless of medicine or not.

    You seem pretty cool!

  4. Hey girl there is so much said in this short Bio and yet I know that God is going to knit our team together and you are going to be able to use all that God has put into your heart in a new way and experience pictures about how he may start to use all those things together. Can’t wait to look for you in the airport in Atlanta!!!
    Welcome to the team! Blessings

  5. I’m from Tulsa, Ok & i’ve lived here all my life.
    & no i do not live in a teepee or ride a horse to school.
    & despite what you may think Tulsa’s not that bad, there are somethings to do & it’s kinda pretty, but as for the rest of the state…

    & i’m a sophomore at Booker T. Washington. It really is incredible. I’ll have to tell you about it in person, i not only talk with my hands but my whole body.

  6. hey katie, i totally understand about the whole ‘do you still ride horses?’ thing…oklahomas almost as random as montana. (one month till i get to meet you:)

  7. Hey Katie,
    Im so excited to meet you.I have a feeling we will get along great.

  8. Ha, you sound like a really fun person!!
    :] You like shooting though? haha like guns? Or basketballs? haha, that’s probably a dumb question… but… I want to do medical missions also!!! :]